Trump sees investment opportunities to buy property in Spain

According to, U.S. investor Donald Trump said Tuesday he sees good opportunities to buy property in Spain and in the whole of Europe, where there are real bargains due to the crisis in the real estate market. "You can get it for nothing, you are buying land for nothing, you're getting it all for nothing," said Trump to CNBC.

“You have to take it easy and wait, but there are plenty of great opportunities in Europe, there is no doubt about it”, he assured before revealing that he is behind an operation. "I myself am looking for something, but I'm thinking of doing something with a group of investors out there, that will be really intelligent and, frankly, there is opportunity," he insisted.

Asked by Spain, which is under suspicion in the markets right now and being the country, together with Greece, that raises more doubts amongst investors, Mr Trump, who became rich from investing in real estate projects, said that "it is an amazing place”.  "It's a great country but is ill, and it's time to take advantage of it," he said.

Trump inherited a fortune from his father, a developer who specialized in rentals in New York, and who expanded his business into building casinos, hotels and skyscrapers. Today trump has a personal fortune of 2,900 million dollars, according to Forbes magazine. On several occasions, he was almost on the verge of bankruptcy. In 2009, his casinos filed for bankruptcy. In 2011 it emerged that he had given his name to three towers in Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and Baja, these project were never finished.  Some buyers sometimes lost deposits exceeding $ 100,000.

Broadening the focus and talking about the evolution of the crisis, Trump, who believes that the European economy is in a state of weakness, believes that some of the European countries will return to their own currencies. In this case, however, has ironized that "the world moves on." "Can this affect us?” He wondered – possibly, but I do not think it will be as bad as people are saying.

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